Parental Advocacy in England: a realist evaluation of implementation

Overview In their relationships with social workers, many parents report feeling marginalised and disempowered. The recent Care Review in England recommended the implementation of Parental Advocacy services. In the USA, these have helped reduce the number of children in care by supporting parents to have better relationships with professionals and a greater voice in decision-making.… Read More

Exploring the role of personal advisors in Wales: A co-produced study with care-experienced young people

Overview Each year a substantial number of young people leave the care system in Wales. These young people face significant challenges during this transition related to housing, education, employment, health and wellbeing. Additionally, they frequently lack support networks typically experienced by their peers. The support they receive during this time is therefore a critical determinant… Read More

Music for Social Change

Overview PRUs offer alternative educational provision for students unable to attend mainstream schools. Students in PRUs typically have a range of risk factors, including high levels of poverty, experiences of social care, and other social, emotional, behavioural, and mental health needs. This places them at an elevated risk of adverse outcomes, such as loneliness and… Read More

The impact of Sure Start on health and social care

Sure Start (Northern Ireland) is a flagship policy that aims to reduce health and educational inequalities in the early years and beyond. For more than two decades, Sure Start has supported families with children aged 0 to 4 living in the most deprived areas of the country. Read More


This is a project to look at the educational needs of children in Wales with a parent in prison, with the aim being to create a model of good practice. Read More