At Cascade, we are driven by our commitment to make a positive difference for children and families. We know that in order for our research to make the biggest impact, we need to work closely with children, young people, parents, carers and others with direct experience of services, to ensure that we are addressing the issues that really matter to them.

In collaboration with Voices From Care Cymru we run the CASCADE Voices research advisory group for care experienced young people. The group is involved in our research in a range of ways from developing ideas, supporting the design of research methods to disseminating findings. CASCADE Voices won the 2017 Health and Care Research Wales Public Involvement Achievement Award for the LACE research.
Now, with the support of infrastructure funding from Health and Care Research Wales, we are planning to significantly expand our work with people who have experience of services. We will do this by setting up a network of parents and carers, in order to understand their priorities for the sector, and so that they can assist us directly in undertaking research projects (for example, by helping formulate research questions, design the studies and collect and analyse the data).
In addition, we want to work more closely with social workers. To help achieve this aim, we are further developing the work of ExChange and also working to create a network of evidence-use champions within Welsh local authorities.
CASCADE Involvement Board
To help us with our expanding involvement work we have set up a strategic board of experts by experience to support the development of CASCADE’s involvement work. The board will review and monitor our progress as well as offer centre wide ideas in line with public involvement standards.
Members include those with experience of care, adoption, homelessness, fostering and child protection as a parent.
For more information or to get involved please contact Cascade