A new study evaluating the Welsh Family Drug and Alcohol Pilot (FDAC) has been published by CASCADE. It was commissioned by the Centre for Justice Innovation and funded by the Welsh Government.

The evaluation explored whether the Welsh FDAC pilot was implemented as intended, if it had signs of potential, how it was experienced, and whether it could be scaled.

The findings have shown that it was feasible to implement FDAC in the context of South Wales. There were also positive findings regarding experiences of the pilot, and indicative evidence of improvements in parental substance misuse and child living arrangements. These findings support the continued use of FDAC in Wales as an alternative form of care proceedings in the family court.

The evaluation makes several recommendations designed to support the implementation, delivery, scaling, and evaluation of FDAC in Wales. The study is likely to be of interest to policy makers, practitioners, children, and families in Wales and elsewhere. Along with the interim report published in 2022, this report enhances what is known about FDAC and its potential to support positive outcomes for children and families.

The full report can now be accessed here: Evaluation of the Family Drug and Alcohol Court in Wales pilot – CASCADE (cascadewales.org)