Children’s Social Care Research Through the Eyes of Work Experience

After three years of studying theoretical academic concepts from journal articles and hefty textbooks throughout an undergraduate degree in psychology and sociology, the question of what’s next became apparent. With a passion for the constant accumulation of knowledge, I turned to the world of research. Before committing at least another four years of my life… Read More

Evidence Review contributes to evidence base for new Bill to remove private profit from children’s residential & foster care

The report has been published on the Welsh Government website, and coincides with the introduction of a new Bill on the 20th May by the Welsh Government to remove private profit from the care of looked-after children. Lead author of the report, Dr Jonathan Ablitt, said: “We’re pleased that CASCADE research has contributed to the… Read More

Study highlights inequalities between women and men in their chances of having their children taken into care

The study used existing data collected by social services and health services in Wales to look at the households children were living in before they entered care. Those households were then compared to the rest of the households in Wales from which no children entered care.  It focused particularly on the sorts of problems that… Read More

New Study provides insights into the Safeguarding Children with Burns

The study, the first of its kind to examine the decision-making and multidisciplinary collaboration with professional groups in the context of paediatric burn injuries, was led by researchers from the Division of Population Medicine at Cardiff University and the Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE).  The study, funded by Health and Care Research… Read More

Vacant Jobs

We are pleased to announce that six job opportunities are currently available at CASCADE and CARE. If you are contemplating a transition in your career and wish to join our team, we encourage you to consider applying for one of these positions. The Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre (CASCADE) is an organization that aims… Read More

Exploring online mental health and wellbeing services during ‘lockdown’.

Two new papers have been published that explore the online mental health and wellbeing interventions and services for care-experienced young people during the pandemic, which has implications in our post Covid 19 world. During the Covid-19 pandemic many mental health and wellbeing services quickly moved to online delivery. However, there was limited discussion on how… Read More

Study finds children receiving care and support in Wales more likely to be immunised

A new study into the immunisation status of children in Wales has found that children under a care and support plan had higher overall vaccination rates than the general population and were more up to date with their immunisations. The UK’s childhood immunisation programme ensures children are offered protection against serious infection. However, identifying inequalities… Read More

Research Methods Training

At CASCADE we have a commitment to involving people with lived experience of children’s social services in our research. We believe this is a vital part of producing relevant and impactful research. However, it can be difficult for adults and young people to contribute and understand what we do in research. Bridging that gap is… Read More

Film premiere: Harmful relationships and crime 

On Tuesday 11th July five inspiring young people visited SPARK to share the premiere of their two co-produced films exploring the impact of Child Criminal Exploitation. The event was hosted by CASCADE and attended by a small group of invited guests from across a range of related organisations. These included: Violence Prevention Unit, South Wales Police, Swansea… Read More