Here are some of the Research projects our Public Involvement team are supporting.
Supporting Parents in and Leaving Care: #MessagestoCorporateParents

Following Dr Louise Roberts’ research exploring the experiences of young people in and leaving care when they became parents, this impact study sought to develop a best practice charter.
Working in partnership with Voices from Care Cymru, NYAS Cymru and TGP we have co-produced a charter and a range of resources with care-experienced young people.
All the resources can be found here: Supporting Parents in and Leaving Care: #MessagestoCorporateParents – ExChange (
Youth, Society and Risk Research development Group
Peer Researchers from the Peer Action Collective, based in Media Academy Cymru attend CASCADE’s Youth, Society and Risk Research Development group along with CASCADE researchers and PhD students.
In addition to supporting the work of the research development group, they co-developed a Youth Charter as part of the Complex Safeguarding Wales toolkit.
Some of the things the Peer Researchers have been working on with us include:
- Presenting about their own research
- Sharing the Youth Charter they co-developed
- Working on an information sheet and consent form guidance at CASCADE.
Project page: County lines: a co-ordinated Welsh community response to child criminal exploitation – CASCADE (
Toolkit: Complex Safeguarding Wales – A CASCADE project
Link to blog: A shared aim to make the world a better place – CASCADE (;
Youth Charter – CASCADE (
PAC Wales page: Peer Action Collective – Media Academy Cymru
Family Voice
The Family VOICE project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of Family Group conferences. It has prioritised Public Involvement across the project in the following ways:
- Co-production workshops in Camden and North Wales to develop research tools.
- Employed two Peer Researchers that lead the co-production work in their communities.
- A Families Advisory Board that provides whole project oversite, support and feedback.
Project page: Family VOICE: Family Group Conferencing for Children and Families – CASCADE (
Blogs: The Journey so far as a peer researcher – participation – CASCADE (
Coproduction Workshops Family Voice – CASCADE (

For Young People From Young People
This project aimed to collate a list of mental health and wellbeing services in Wales with care-experienced people.
The project will:
- Review services with care-experienced young people.
- Feedback to mental health and wellbeing services.
- Design a simple resource hub for this content.
- Disseminate the resource hub to young people, foster and kinship carers, and organisations, practitioners, educators and researchers who work with care-experienced young people.
This project has worked with care-experienced young people from CASCADE Voices, The Fostering Network Wales young people’s forum and NYAS Cardiff Bright Sparks group.
Project Page: For young people from young people – CASCADE (
ERICA project
The ERICA project is a research study which is looking at ethnic and religious minority experiences within child and family social services.
We have worked with EYST to support a group of parents to offer advice to the researchers on how best to carry out their study.
So far, they have advised the researchers on what to look for in the data, as well as what initial findings might mean. In future, this group will help researchers to think about dissemination and impact. The group has also made some suggestions about what topics our centre should be focused on in future research in this area.