The Family Voice project has been busy arranging coproduction workshops both in Camden and in North Wales.
My name is Delyth, and I am the Peer Researcher based in North Wales, supported by Y Bont. I have been inviting families from North Wales who have had experience of attending a Family Group Conference onto the project. The families have been giving feedback on the Family Group Process, discussing preparation, content, and the outcomes from their perspective.
We had 11 participants from North Wales, with a wealth of knowledge and personal experiences of the Family Group Conference. The workshops allowed individuals to express their own opinions as well as working in groups to identify priority outcomes for families. We were able to collate this data in order to identify key themes and priorities that will influence the creation of our draft evaluation form. Following this, we will invite the same individuals to return and feedback on the draft evaluation form at our next workshop. In the end, we will produce a final evaluation form that can be used by all services conducting Family Group Conferences to evaluate their service in the future.