We regularly collaborate with colleagues across different schools and research centres on briefings

The provision and experience of adoption support services in Wales: Perspectives from adoption agencies and adoptive parents.
Dr Heather Ottaway, Professor Sally Holland and Dr Nina Maxwell

Child Sexual Exploitation: Problems and Solutions from the perspectives of young people and professionals

Health, health behaviours and health promoting services for care leavers: Perspectives of young people and LAC nurses
Sarah Morgan-Trimmer, Suzanne Spooner & Suzanne Audrey

Personalisation in Children’s social work: An ethnographic study of practice in England
Dr Emilie Whitaker

Looked after children, care leavers and risk of teenage conception; findings from Wales: Summary of a National Response
Dr Marion Lyons, Zoe Couzens, Dr Noel Craine, Sarah Andrews, Rhiannon Whitaker
On behalf of the teenage pregnancy task and finish group