Evaluation of the Video Interaction Guidance Service

The aim of the evaluation was to determine whether the Video Interaction Guidance Service was achieving its objective of making a positive impact on children and families and to evaluate the factors that contribute to successful outcomes with a view to informing future service development.  Read More

CPR thematic review dissemination event

An ExChange event Overview An event held on 2nd June 2020, pre-recorded, 502 views. Activities and Methods Presentation of findings from a multi-disciplinary study  analysing 20 Child Practice Reviews undertaken in Wales Findings A range of factors relating to voice of the child, transitions and multi-disciplinary working Lead Person Principal Investigator Alyson Rees Academic Staff Lecturer… Read More

Snakes and Ladders: Developing a training tool for use in the youth justice system

The aim of this 15-month project is to develop a prototype of a training tool which represents a young person’s journey through the youth justice system including the various challenges that they may face.  Overview Understanding how best to support individual young people as they progress through the youth justice system is contingent upon the practitioner… Read More

The Future of Unpaid Carers in Wales

This study assesses the social, economic, emotional and relational impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on unpaid carers, and considers how such carers can be better supported throughout pandemic conditions and into the future in Wales Read More