• New Funding Announcement – The CASCADE Network

    We are delighted to have received £2.9 million funding from Health and Care Research Wales to help us build an ambitious and exciting programme of work over the next five years. This funding will allow CASCADE and our partners in the School of Psychology, the Centre for Trials Research and SAIL (Secure Anonymised Information Linkage)… Read More

  • CASCADE report recommends improvements to secure accommodation for children in Wales

    The study was commissioned by Social Care Wales. A CASCADE led report, ‘The experiences and outcomes of young people from Wales receiving Secure Accommodation Orders’, published its findings and recommendations today. The aim of the study was to get a full and true picture of the experiences of children and young people from Wales placed… Read More

  • What Works ‘Change Projects’ show early signs of promise

    Two new pilot ‘What Works for Children’s Social Care‘ projects have released their interim reports. The first project has placed social workers in schools in three local authorities in England and is showing early signs of improving inter-agency working and building more collaborative relationships with children, young people and families. Social workers have been embedded… Read More

  • CASCADE project exposes the outcomes for young people at risk of CSE

    Today, the ‘Keeping Safe’ project findings, led by Dr Sophie Hallett, were released. The project analysed of the outcomes of work with sexually exploitedyoung people in Wales. 205 children and teenager case files, aged 9 to 18, were analysed and tracked over 10 a year period. The findings revealed one in three children had been… Read More

  • CASCADE report on shared decision making published

    What is good practice in meetings between professionals and families? Today What Works for Children’s Social Care published its latest report.  The rapid realist review, conducted by CASCADE, provides guidance on good practice in decision making meetings.  The research summarises the evidence on shared decision-making meetings and how to meaningfully involve families in order to keep children… Read More

  • CASCADE Voices win the Health and Care Research Wales 2017 Public Involvement Achievement Award

    On Thursday 5th October CASCADE Research Associate Dr Eleanor Staples, and Voices from Care Cymru member and CASCADE Peer Researcher Jenny Coleman attended the Health and Care Research Wales Conference 2017 to receive their Public Involvement Achievement Award 2017. The award is to recognise and celebrate excellent public involvement from across Health and Care Research… Read More