10 mlynedd

  • 10 Years of CASCADE Voices

    Written by Rachael Vaughan This year is not only the 10-year anniversary of CASCADE the research center, but it is also the 10 year anniversary of the CASCADE Voices Care Experienced Young People’s Research Advisory Group. In fact, I am reliably informed (by those who were there) that the young people’s group was set up… Read More

  • CASCADE – 10 years of Public Involvement

    Written by Rachael Vaughan  The involvement of those with lived experience has always been at the core of CASCADE’s values. Even before its inception in 2014, CASCADE worked in partnership with the care experienced young people at Voices From Care Cymru. As such they are part of the center’s foundations. However, since then, both CASCADE… Read More

  • Building CASCADE: from concept to impact 

    Written by Professor Sally Holland  It feels like the blink of an eye since we launched CASCADE in May 2014 and quite a few people have asked me how on earth CASCADE got started. Do you just declare a research centre exists? Is there an application process? Did someone ask you to do it?  The… Read More