What is good practice in meetings between professionals and families?

Today What Works for Children’s Social Care published its latest report.  The rapid realist review, conducted by CASCADE, provides guidance on good practice in decision making meetings.  The research summarises the evidence on shared decision-making meetings and how to meaningfully involve families in order to keep children safely at home and out of care.

Lorna Stabler, who worked on the review, has written a blog for the Centre on Making meetings meaningful: Good practice when involving families in decision-making.

This review is the 4th in a series of scoping reviews, systematic reviews and specialist reports focusing on safely reducing the need for children to enter care, produced by CASCADE and published by What Works for Children’s Social Care. CASCADE also produces technical summaries on social care interventions for the Centre, which can be found in the What Works for Children’s Social Care Evidence Store.

Read the full Shared Decision-Making: What is good practice in delivering meetings? Involving families meaningfully in decision-making to keep children safely at home: A rapid realist review report.

Learn more about all What Works for Children’s Social Care reports.