Looked After Children (LACW) – Data Linkage

This data comes from a statutory return is submitted to the Welsh Government in May-June each year by each Welsh Local Authority.  The return comprises of individual level episode and demographic data for every child looked after during the year to 31st March.  Data Owner  Welsh Government  Earliest Data  Reflecting the year to 31st March… Read More

Adoptions – Data Linkage

This dataset reports information about all children who cease to be looked after in a collection year upon the granting of an adoption order.  This information was previously collected as part of the AD1 (children adopted) return but now forms part of the annual Looked After Children Census return made by Welsh local authorities.  It… Read More

Care Leavers Age 16 and over – Data Linkage

It includes data relating to all children who ceased to be looked after during a collection year if they were aged 16 years or older at the time of care ending.   Only the last occasion that care ceased is included.  However, there is information about the reason for the episode ceasing and a description about… Read More

Care Leavers at 19th birthday – Data Linkage

Prior to April 2016, data was collected about the activities and status of care leavers on their 19th birthday as part of the annual Outcome Collection (OC) return*.  This includes information about whether the local authority had remained in touch with the young person, their education, training or employment status and the suitability of their… Read More

Educational qualifications of care leavers   – Data Linkage

Prior to April 2016, data was collected about the educational qualifications of care leavers if they were aged 16 years or older at the time of care ending, as part of the Outcome Collection (OC) return*.  This includes the number of GCSEs attained, broken into A*-G and A*-C ranges, the number of GNVQs and the… Read More

Children in Need, Wales (CINW)  – Data Linkage

This dataset was developed from statutory returns submitted annually to the Welsh Government by each Welsh Local Authority prior to the Social Services and Wellbeing Act (2014) coming into force. It covers the period up to the end of March 2016.  The return comprises of individual level data for those with open cases for the… Read More

Children Receiving Care and Support (CRCS)  – Data Linkage

This dataset comes from a statutory return has submitted annually to the Welsh Government by each Welsh Local Authority about all the children in receiving care and support.  These returns have been submitted since the Social Services and Wellbeing (Wales) Act 2014 came into force. The first year covers the year 2016/17.    The CRCS Census comprises… Read More

Applications to the Welsh Government   – Data Linkage

The Welsh Government has dedicated Statistics and Research webpages for publications. This includes information relevant to the social care sector.  Links to these can be found on the respective pages for each dataset.  All requests to access Welsh Government unpublished microdata for research purposes will be sent to the Welsh Government Statistics and Research Data… Read More

Applications to SAIL Databank  – Data Linkage

Administrative data collected and maintained by Welsh Government are acquired by the privacy-protecting Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Databank. This Trusted Research Environment (TRE), hosted by the Medical School at Swansea University, contains a wealth of anonymised administrative data about the population of Wales (Ford et al., 2009; Lyons et al., 2009; Jones et al., 2016).   SAIL Databank… Read More

Publications – Data Linkage

The following are data linkage Publications. Allnatt, G., Elliott, M., Cowley, L., Lee, A., North, L., Broadhurst, K., and Griffiths, L. (2023) Data Explained: Children Looked After Datasets. Available from: https://adrwales.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Data-Explained-CLA-datasets_final.pdf  Allnatt, G., Elliott, M., Scourfield, J., Lee, A., Griffiths, L (2022) Use of Looked Administrative Children’s Social Care Data for Research: A scoping Review… Read More