Prediction Game Following this referral, how likely are the following actions, events, and outcomes: Submit Prediction

Social Work programme – resources page

Programme downloads: Year 1 The resources here relate to Year 1 of the programme. Downloads: Year 2 The resources here relate to Year 2 of the programme. Downloads: Practice Education Workshops and Resources The resources here are to support our Practice Educators and On-Site Supervisors. Downloads: Our Team Dr Dan BurrowsPractice Learning Coordinator BurrowsDR1@cardiff.ac.uk Dr… Read More

Child Well-being Study

Understanding the Subjective Well-Being of Younger Children Looked After in Wales: A Qualitative Study Designed with Children in Care using Creative Methodologies Read More

Talk to Someone Now

qwerty This is a place to start if you are currently experiencing a difficult situation and need someone to talk to. Several services are available to assist you, but it is important to note that they operate on different schedules. Before reaching out, please check their availability to ensure you can receive the support you… Read More

Pioneer Panel Discussion​

’You are a true Pioneer,’ is a compliment received by a foster carer during a recent panel discussion that took place at SPARK.  At this event, a research team from Cardiff University’s CASCADE partnered with The Fostering Network to launch the evaluation of The Fostering Wellbeing Programme. To reflect on the position of the Pioneer, eight experienced foster carers formed a panel to share their views on their pioneering roles.  Read More

Reach for the stars: Care experienced role models

As part of our CASCADE Parents group and network we have offered the opportunity for members to contribute to blogs if they would like to. These will be stories, messages, or priorities for research from their perspective. We hope this will be a regular blog feature at CASCADE and another way for us to amplify the voices of those with lived experience of children’s social care. Read More

Public Involvement Board

At CASCADE we are committed to involving people with lived experience of children and families social care in our research. This includes children & young people, parents and carers. In 2021 we took the decision to set up an Involvement Board to steer and support our work. This board sits alongside our centre management and… Read More

Weeding out a few bad apples? What do we believe registration of residential childcare workers is for?

Residential care for children ‘looked after’ by the state is often characterised as the placement of ‘last resort’, despite it being a positive and appropriate placement choice for some young people.  Across the UK, 16% of children looked after in England are living in residential settings, 10% in Scotland and 7% in Wales (Competition and Markets Authority, 2022). Historically, the children’s residential care workforce is undervalued and often seen as transient and low skilled (Department for Education, 2021), despite working with children who have often experienced significant trauma and challenges. Read More