• Cardiff University’s CASCADE research centre to evaluate ground-breaking cash transfer scheme

    One of the world’s most ambitious anti-poverty cash transfer schemes will be evaluated by a multi-institutional team led by one of the UKs leading social care research centres, based at Cardiff University. CASCADE’s Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre will lead the research along with academics from Kings College London, University of Oxford, University of York, Northumbria University and the Centre for Homelessness Impact. 

  • Youth Charter

    The Youth Charter comes from a two-year Health and Care Research Wales funded study that examined how young people are criminally exploited in Wales…

  • The Cardiff Christmas Dinner

    Volunteers in Cardiff are making plans to prevent loneliness among some young adults who won’t be spending Christmas Day with their families. The Cardiff Christmas Dinner will offer food, gifts, activities and company for young people who are care-experienced in Cardiff and the surrounding area on Christmas Day 2022.

  • Announcing the third annual Conversation Analysis and Social Work Online Conference

    Cascade is delighted to announce we are hosting the third annual Conversation Analysis and Social Work Online Conference, on 16th March 2023. Social work is very often conducted through conversations, between groups of social workers, between social workers and other professionals and of course between social workers and people using services. Conversation analysis allows us… Read More

  • CASCADE hosts launch of British Academy’s Reframing Childhood report

    On the 6th of October Professor Sally Holland chaired and hosted an event to launch the final report of the British Academy’s Childhood Policy Programme in the Spark|Sbarc.

  • Launch of CLASS Cymru

    On the 26th October as part of National Care Leavers Week 2022 the CLASS Cymru network and CASCADE will be launching a new website called CLASS Cymru.

  • What’s Working in Children’s Social Care in Wales?

    Too often the media and research focus on what is not working in children’s social care. We want to do something different – we want to find out and publicise what IS working. We hope you can help us.  We want to hear from people in the sector about things that YOU think are working… Read More

  • Launching Complex Safeguarding Wales: a website for parents worried about child criminal exploitation

    Complex Safeguarding Wales is a co-produced resource based on findings from the research project: County lines: a co-ordinated Welsh community response to child criminal exploitation and in collaboration with young people, parents and practitioners who have direct experience.

  • CASCADE In-Practice Visiting Researcher at Cardiff University

    The purpose of the in-practice visiting researcher position is to support a practitioner in their academic development and help them prepare for future funding applications – especially for pursuing a part-time or full-time PhD or other funded research…

  • ‘Together a Chance’ interim report presented at Parliamentary Eve

    A pilot scheme being run by Pact to provide more support to mothers in prison is already yielding significant benefits, according to an interim evaluation report published today by Dr Alyson Rees, CASCADE…