The impact of Sure Start on health and social care

Sure Start (Northern Ireland) is a flagship policy that aims to reduce health and educational inequalities in the early years and beyond. For more than two decades, Sure Start has supported families with children aged 0 to 4 living in the most deprived areas of the country. Read More

Police in Schools

This section is pulled through from the ‘excerpt’ section of the post. Make sure to complete when creating new research posts. Read More

ECSWR 2023 – Milan trip

Even though summer is approaching, the memories of Easter are still fresh in my mind. In April, I attended the ECSWR (European Conference for Social Work Research) 2023 in Milan with a group of researchers from CASCADE, including Donald, Jonathan, Alyson, Clive, Sophie, Melissa, and myself. We all actively participated in the conference, with Donald… Read More

Child Well-being Study

Understanding the Subjective Well-Being of Younger Children Looked After in Wales: A Qualitative Study Designed with Children in Care using Creative Methodologies Read More