Lights Camera Action…Digitally Enabling Public Involvement Participants

Last month, our incredible team of Public Involvement Parents at CASCADE Parents Research Advisory Group were offered the opportunity to develop digital skills that could be used to support their involvement in the whole research cycle at CASCADE. We hope these skills might ultimately enable the group to contribute and disseminate their own research and experience. We also hope that these skills will be useful in developing their interests, careers, and confidence. Read More

Weeding out a few bad apples? What do we believe registration of residential childcare workers is for?

Residential care for children ‘looked after’ by the state is often characterised as the placement of ‘last resort’, despite it being a positive and appropriate placement choice for some young people.  Across the UK, 16% of children looked after in England are living in residential settings, 10% in Scotland and 7% in Wales (Competition and Markets Authority, 2022). Historically, the children’s residential care workforce is undervalued and often seen as transient and low skilled (Department for Education, 2021), despite working with children who have often experienced significant trauma and challenges. Read More