A blog by Professor Donald Forrester An edited version of this blog was previously published by the NSPCC I came into social work to help people. Helping social workers to help people is still why I do my job, albeit through research and teaching. And in every study we carry out we hear stories of… Read More
Why don’t more care-experienced young people go to university?
University can be one of the most exciting times in a young person’s life; they have the prospect of studying something they are really interested in, meet new people, have new experiences and have a place to make those first adult steps of independence into the world. With all this on offer, why are care… Read More
How has Covid-19 impacted the experience of Young People Leaving Care?
Coinciding with the start of National Care Leavers Week, a new research report is released today concerned with young people leaving care during Covid-19. The research was jointly funded by Voices from Care Cymru and Cardiff University, and involved contributions from 21 care experienced young people and 23 professionals. The report provides valuable insights into… Read More
Child Criminal Exploitation
Children’s social care practice faces several challenges to delivering better outcomes for young people – none more complex and damaging than criminal exploitation. Every day multi-agency services and practitioners are successfully safeguarding children, but when the system fails the effects are devastating to individuals, their families and our communities. With over twenty years’ experience of… Read More
CASCADE report recommends improvements to secure accommodation for children in Wales
The study was commissioned by Social Care Wales. A CASCADE led report, ‘The experiences and outcomes of young people from Wales receiving Secure Accommodation Orders’, published its findings and recommendations today. The aim of the study was to get a full and true picture of the experiences of children and young people from Wales placed… Read More
What Works ‘Change Projects’ show early signs of promise
Two new pilot ‘What Works for Children’s Social Care‘ projects have released their interim reports. The first project has placed social workers in schools in three local authorities in England and is showing early signs of improving inter-agency working and building more collaborative relationships with children, young people and families. Social workers have been embedded… Read More
CASCADE project exposes the outcomes for young people at risk of CSE
Today, the ‘Keeping Safe’ project findings, led by Dr Sophie Hallett, were released. The project analysed of the outcomes of work with sexually exploitedyoung people in Wales. 205 children and teenager case files, aged 9 to 18, were analysed and tracked over 10 a year period. The findings revealed one in three children had been… Read More
Storm in a coffee cup?
A blog by Professor Donald Forrester When I first heard that the What Works Centre (WWC) was going to study the impact of free, high quality coffee and tea I thought it was a really, really stupid idea. Maybe not up there with electing Trump President, but certainly one of the stupidest research ideas I had ever… Read More
CASCADE report on shared decision making published
What is good practice in meetings between professionals and families? Today What Works for Children’s Social Care published its latest report. The rapid realist review, conducted by CASCADE, provides guidance on good practice in decision making meetings. The research summarises the evidence on shared decision-making meetings and how to meaningfully involve families in order to keep children… Read More
Evidence and values
A blog by Professor Donald Forrester The name “evidence based practice” is misleading. Practice cannot and should not be based on evidence – if by that we mean that the evidence tells us what we should do. Our services should be based on our principles and values. Organisations should be clear what the point of… Read More