CASCADE are delighted to announce that we have been awarded three exciting research fellowships. Leaving a pupil referral unit: Exploring the transitions and post-16 destinations of care experienced young people across Wales Phil Smith How can we improve the experiences and outcomes of autistic children in care? A mixed methods study of needs, services, and… Read More
Enhancing understandings of involvement in risky behaviours amongst children receiving social care
It is widely accepted that children looked after have poorer educational and health outcomes than the general population. However, low numbers and the tendency to treat children looked after as a homogenous group is problematic not least because it overlooks differences based on individual needs and circumstances. To understand the reasons for these inequalities, a… Read More
Would you like to know more about what the CASCADE partnership does?
Our annual report provides a great introduction to our work. In 2020 CASCADE was delighted to receive infrastructure funding to develop our partnership with the Centres for Trials Research and Human Developmental Science at Cardiff University and Swansea University’s Secure Anonymised Information Linkage Centre. The funding allowed us to develop new ideas for research projects,… Read More
Research into the experiences and outcomes of autistic children in foster or kinship care launched
There is very little research on the experiences and outcomes of autistic children in foster or kinship care. This is an area I have been passionate about for a while and I am excited to be able to start a new project, made possible by a Health and Care Research Wales three-year fellowship. From the… Read More
Leaving a pupil referral unit: Exploring the transitions and post-16 destinations of care experienced young people across Wales
As a qualified youth and community worker, I’ve always had an interest in working with young people who struggle with formal education, and who are marginalised or under-represented in research. It is widely known that, on average, many children in care find education to be difficult. What is less well understood is what happens to… Read More
Schwartz Rounds end-of-project blog
I really like Schwartz Rounds. I know when you undertake a scientific evaluation of something, you are supposed be carefully neutral, to avoid the suggestion of bias or that you might have pre-empted the outcome. But I am only human, and I have to be honest. I liked the idea of Schwartz Rounds before we… Read More
New report published examining the impact of a Checklist intervention
What question does this study focus on? Our study examined the impact of a checklist intervention on social workers’ forecasting abilities (how well they could predict the likelihood of different events and outcomes) and confirmation bias (the extent to which respondents sought information to confirm, rather challenge, their current view). You can see a copy of the… Read More
New reports exploring and reviewing practice in youth violence prevention
CASCADE are delighted to have been commissioned by the Wales Violence Prevention Unit to undertake two evidence reviews: a mapping of the risk factors and interventions for the prevention of youth violence and implementing co-production in public services. These reports outline evidence-based approaches and interventions for working with young people and the prevention of youth… Read More
Replacing Child Protection Conferences with Family Group Conferences
Over the past two decades in the UK and elsewhere, the importance of involving children, young people and parents in social work decision-making has been increasingly recognised. When enabled and supported to take part, children, young people and parents can play an essential role in the planning and delivery of services. Improved engagement and participation… Read More
Welcome to Dr Heather Taussig
Heather Taussig, a children’s social care researcher from the United States, has joined CASCADE for a 4-month Fulbright fellowship. Dr. Taussig is a Professor at the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Workand an adjunct professor at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect. Taussig plans to conduct research in collaboration with CASCADE researchers to develop… Read More