• Welcome to Dr Heather Taussig

    Heather Taussig, a children’s social care researcher  from the United States, has joined CASCADE for a 4-month Fulbright fellowship. Dr. Taussig is a Professor at the University of Denver’s Graduate School of Social Workand an adjunct professor at the Kempe Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Child Abuse and Neglect. Taussig plans to conduct research in collaboration with CASCADE researchers to develop… Read More

  • Best article award for CASCADE researcher

    Dr Martin Elliott, Research Associate in CASCADE Research Centre has won a prestigious national award for best article in the British Journal of Social Work in 2020. The British Association of Social Work (BASW) Kay McDougall Prize is awarded for breadth of scholarship, sophistication of theory, rigour of research, relevance to practice and international appeal. Martin’s paper… Read More

  • Child Neglect Book Announcement

    Dr Alyson Rees along with an academic from School of Social Work along with an academic from the University of Bristol, Dr Victoria Sharley have been commissioned by Coram BAAF to write a book on child neglect for social work and social care practitioners including foster carers. The book will help guide practice within the field of social… Read More

  • Review of Adult Practice Reviews

    Cardiff University was commissioned by the National Safeguarding Board in Wales in November 2020 to carry out a multi-disciplinary analysis of Adult Practice Reviews undertaken between 2014-2020. The study involves academics from three differing disciplines – Social Work (including practice experience), Law and Criminology reading and triple coding Adult Practice Reviews, to look for the… Read More

  • Fostering Wellbeing

    Cardiff University was commissioned in February 2021 to evaluate the pan Wales roll out of The Fostering Network’s Fostering Wellbeing programme. An initial pilot programme running in a South Wales Local Authority was evaluated by Cardiff University in 2017-2019. The Fostering Wellbeing programme aims to improve outcomes for children looked after and includes a series… Read More

  • CASCADE Parent’s Research Advisory Group

    CASCADE is committed to involving those with lived experience in its research. Over the past year, we have been significantly expanding our public involvement work, a key aim of the recent Health and Care Research Wales infrastructure funding.  In addition to our award winning care experienced young people’s research advisory group (CASCADE Voices), we are now also working… Read More

  • New Research Projects Announced

    5 new research projects have been awarded to researchers within CASCADE, covering a range of topics.  Action for Children’s Serious Organised Crime Early Intervention Service (SOCEIS) Evaluation A pioneering programme aimed at diverting young people away from a life of serious organised crime has been awarded to Dr Nina Maxwell at CASCADE, Cardiff University by… Read More

  • Volunteers needed for studies on social worker decision-making

    Researchers at CASCADE are currently conducting two research studies related to social worker decision-making and are seeking social workers to take part.  Registered social workers in England are eligible to take part in Study 1 and registered social workers in Wales or anywhere else in the UK are eligible to take part in Study 2.… Read More

  • Are there some useful techniques to consider when searching for research studies in Children’s Social Care?

    Last week What Works for Children’s Social Care published its latest report.  The report summarises the findings of a study of five techniques to guide those searching for research studies of relevance to children’s social care. Alison Weightman, who led the study from the Specialist Unit for Review Evidence (SURE) at Cardiff University in collaboration with the… Read More

  • New Funding Announcement – The CASCADE Network

    We are delighted to have received £2.9 million funding from Health and Care Research Wales to help us build an ambitious and exciting programme of work over the next five years. This funding will allow CASCADE and our partners in the School of Psychology, the Centre for Trials Research and SAIL (Secure Anonymised Information Linkage)… Read More