Making sense of increasing young carer prevalence – cause for concern or finding the hidden population? 

Wednesday March 15th is Young Carers Action Day 2023, an annual event that draws attention to the lives of children who care for a family member due to an illness or disability. Research has a key role in investigating the impacts of caring and informing what support could look like, but the issue of increasing prevalence estimates is challenging our understanding. Read More

Conversation Analysis and Social Work Conference 2023 – registration open

The Universities of Cardiff, Bristol, Edinburgh, Loughborough and Universitet Uppsala invite you to attend the third annual Conversation Analysis and Social Work Conference on 1st June 2023 (online), 9.45am – 4.15pm. The conference provides a venue for the exchange of research findings from different institutional, national, and cultural settings, and a meeting place for academics, researchers, and doctoral… Read More

Cardiff University’s CASCADE research centre to evaluate ground-breaking cash transfer scheme

One of the world’s most ambitious anti-poverty cash transfer schemes will be evaluated by a multi-institutional team led by one of the UKs leading social care research centres, based at Cardiff University. CASCADE’s Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre will lead the research along with academics from Kings College London, University of Oxford, University of York, Northumbria University and the Centre for Homelessness Impact.  Read More


‘TRIUMPH Fest’ in Edinburgh was designed as an opportunity to bring together young people, policymakers and researchers to share learning about young people’s mental health. It was a two-day event designed and led by the TRIUMPH Youth Advisory Group. It involved presentations and stalls highlighting the work that young people have been doing, opportunities for lively discussions and workshops to develop young people’s research and skills in activism.  Read More

The Cardiff Christmas Dinner

Volunteers in Cardiff are making plans to prevent loneliness among some young adults who won’t be spending Christmas Day with their families. The Cardiff Christmas Dinner will offer food, gifts, activities and company for young people who are care-experienced in Cardiff and the surrounding area on Christmas Day 2022. Read More

Reach for the stars: Care experienced role models

As part of our CASCADE Parents group and network we have offered the opportunity for members to contribute to blogs if they would like to. These will be stories, messages, or priorities for research from their perspective. We hope this will be a regular blog feature at CASCADE and another way for us to amplify the voices of those with lived experience of children’s social care. Read More

Announcing the third annual Conversation Analysis and Social Work Online Conference

Cascade is delighted to announce we are hosting the third annual Conversation Analysis and Social Work Online Conference, on 16th March 2023. Social work is very often conducted through conversations, between groups of social workers, between social workers and other professionals and of course between social workers and people using services. Conversation analysis allows us… Read More

The Journey so far as a peer researcher – participation

I am one of the founding members of the Family Advisory Board (FAB group), in Camden in 2014 and became the coordinator for the FAB group recently, a lay member of the Camden Safeguarding Children Partnership, and a trained Parent Advocate for Child Protection Conference. I am also a Relational Activist and actively promote Family Group Conferences, Parent Advocacy, Parent Participation, and use my experience through relationship and working collectively with others to achieve social change. Read More