Cefnogi rhieni sydd â phrofiad o ofal 


Nodau’r prosiect hwn yw herio stigma, gwahaniaethu a deilliannau gwael i rieni ifanc mewn gofal ac yn gadael gofal.  Bydd y prosiect yn gweithio’n agos gyda phobl ifanc a rhanddeiliaid allweddol eraill i ystyried a hyrwyddo arfer da i rieni mewn gofal ac yn gadael gofal. 

Gweithgareddau a Dulliau

Cam 1: Datblygu siarter o arferion da trwy ymgynghori a chyd-gynhyrchu gyda phobl ifanc sydd a phrofiad o ofal, llunwyr polisïau, gweithwyr proffesiynol ac academyddion. 

Cam 2: Cynhyrchu siarter o arferion da, ynghyd ag ystod o ddeunyddiau cysylltiedig hygyrch a gafaelgar (ee ffilmiau cryno a phosteri). 

Cam 3: Gweithgareddau hyrwyddo a chodi ymwybyddiaeth sydd wedi’u cynllunio i sicrhau ymrwymiad i’r ymgyrch #NegeseuoniRieniCorfforaethol yng Nghymru a’r tu hwnt iddi. 


Gellir gweld y siarter ac amrywiaeth o adnoddau ategol yn:

Person Arweiniol

Prif Ymchwilydd Dr Louise Roberts

Staff Academaidd

Staff Academaidd Rachael Vaughan
Staff Academaidd Dawn Manny

Gwybodaeth Cysylltiedig

Partneriaid Cysylltiedig Voices from Care Cymru, TGP Cymru, NYAS
Cyllidwyr ESRC
Cyhoeddiadau Cysylltiedig Roberts, L. 2021. The children of looked after children: outcomes, experiences and ensuring meaningful support to young parents in and leaving care. Policy Press.

Roberts, L., Maxwell, N. and Elliott, M. 2019. When young people in and leaving state care become parents: What happens and why?. Children and Youth Services Review 104, pp. 104387. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104387)

Roberts, L. 2019. ‘A family of my own’: When Young People in and Leaving State Care become Parents in Wales. In: Mannay, D., Rees, A. and Roberts, L. eds. 2019. Children and young people ‘looked after’? Education, intervention and the everyday culture of care in Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.

Roberts, L.et al. 2018. Sexual health outcomes for young people in state care: Cross-sectional analysis of a national survey and views of social care professionals in Wales. Children and Youth Services Review 89, pp. 281-288. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2018.04.044)

Roberts, L.et al. 2017. Care-leavers and their children placed for adoption. Children and Youth Services  Review 79, pp. 355-361. (10.1016/j.childyouth.2017.06.030)

Roberts, L. 2017. A small-scale qualitative scoping study into the experiences of looked after children and care leavers who are parents in Wales. Child & Family Social Work 22(3), pp. 1274-1282. (10.1111/cfs.12344)
Dolenni Cysylltiedig https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/news/view/1195017-poorer-sexual-health-outcomes-for-young-people-in-care